Comic-Con 2010 was wonderful and we had a great time passing out thousands of tracts and preaching / witnessing to the people there. This is as good as it gets. San Diego Police were great as usual, no one got injured, no major problems at all. We saw the hand of God upon us as all went so smoothly! Thank you Jesus! What a priviledge it is to serve You!

Report from Sam who came out with us:
I had a really great time at this out reach. Many many people heard the gospel and had it presented to them. Most people took our tracts and it was a blessing. I passed out like 300 tracts and my 3 friends passed out quite a few as well. We didn’t go inside the convention center but stood outside across the street. There were thousands and thousands of people there.

I had nonstop conversations with people as soon as I raised my “JESUS SAVES FROM HELL/TRUST JESUS” banner. I had around 30 really good conversations. I was able to tell them about Jesus and gave them something to think about. I really love having a big sign. I stopped feeling shy and wondering how to start conversations with people I didn’t even know about Jesus Because people were coming up to ME and asking ME questions about Jesus. Some people were even interrupting my conversations. Usually to say something rude. Also a few times I could see that someone wanted to talk to me because they looked at me a certain way. but I couldn’t because I was engaged already. So I gave them a tract, and they were able to walk away with the precious gospel written on a card, what an awesome thing. I felt a lot more confident today. I feel like I have really grown since the last time I went out in that kind of setting. I used to feel threatened or uncomfortable when someone didn’t believe the same thing as I did. I feel better now about that. Two years ago I had no idea that I would be doing this.

Two years ago I was so shy and apprehensive about talking to people about Jesus all I could do to witness is leave tracts on benches for people to find. There is noting wrong with that at all and I still do it, but now on a greater scale. I have become more confident because I have learned how to have a conversation with people, making specific points and leading to a conclusion for the person to think about. When you know how and what to say you seriously feel more comfortable. Being respectful and friendly really helps. Taking time to listen to someone is also key but make sure that you leave them with a conclusion of what the Bible says even if it is different than what they think. It really helps to have a plan for your conversation. I think in the past I knew information to tell people but I didn’t know how to present it and the gospel came out jumbled and both I and the person I was witnessing to were confused. I have watched Ray Comfort witness to people a lot on youtube and I have ordered his television series. I recommend it so much I really do. Youtube search ‘way of the master’. That has helped me so much.

Ray has a model conversation to use with people and wow does it work. Just knowing it gives me more courage. I don’t recite it everytime but it has shown me how to have a structured conversation and not just random information. I am so thankful for the chance to tell others about the Lord. The people I had conversations with were all different types. Some were Christians already, testing me asking me questions. Some were Christians who took tracts to pass out themselves. Some were Christians who were struggling in their faith and needed encouragement. Yet other ‘Christians’ like this one guy were telling Neil and I that we were disgusting to him and an embarrassment to Christians everywhere, asking us if Jesus would hold signs or pass out tracts. Ridiculous. I talked to this one young man who was into alchemy and had questions about the Bible. I was really thankful and happy I had the chance to present the gospel to him. And he let me even though he didn’t have interest he still listened. I guess I felt like he gave me respect in some way by listening. Now I know how someone else feels when I listen to them. I just realized that! Wow. Something to consider when witnessing.

While I was out there witnessing today, these two girls wearing tiny bikinis came up to me. They were promoting some evil website I think. They wanted to take a picture with me. I thought about it and I said no. I thought about what someone would think later if they saw the picture. I told them that I was actually out there to protest sin. I told them that they should have more respect for themselves and that they are worth more than they know. I tried to hand them tracts but they walked away laughing.

A woman yelled out “Jesus was a zombie”!!! and then tried to run away I guess embarrassed about what she said and totally tripped and fell on the ground! It was awesome! I am praying for seeds to be planted. I am sad that more people don’t do this kind of out reach to the lost. I met ‘Christians there that had no interest in telling a dieing world about Jesus and even ones that were mad at us for trying. How sad. But praise God for this awesome opportunity!

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